Tag Archives: GLBT

Lets get it together

Michele Bachmann is Twittering, why aren’t you?

*Michele Bachmann hiding in the bushes at a GLBT rally*

*Michele Bachman making out with a Bush*

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Filed under gay, library 2.0, politics, technology

ALA is kind of gay this week

I volunteer at the Quatrefoil Library, a GLBT community library whose mission is to “collect, maintain, document and circulate gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and queer materials and information in a safe and accessible space.”  The monographs, videos, audio recordings and periodicals in the collection are written by GLBT people or have GLBT characters or have GLBT actors or musicians or contain GLBT content.

I bring this up because today I received my weekly ALA newsletter, American Library Direct which highlighted two articles about GLBT material.  The first article, Virginia High-Schoolers Rally for Gay-Cure Books,     discusses a community rallying to include materials about “homosexuality from a conservative Christian perspective” in 11 school libraries in Fairfax County, Virginia.  

Yowza.  If anyone has any material like this, I would love to see it.  I am so curious about the magic secrets contained within the pages that could alter someone’s entire being.  I am also interested in any books that may be able to cure my being from small town Wisconsin or cure me of having the blood type I have.

The second article, Supreme Court declines gay-exposure case, discussed how the “U.S. Supreme Court declined to review the appeal of two Massachusetts families that a school district violated their rights by exposing children to books promoting tolerance for gay marriage and families led by same-sex couples.”

I am actually surprised the Supreme Court declined this review.  It gets me though, to think that when my kids are in school it is possible that when a story is read about their family who has two moms, the story may upset their classmates’ families.  Actually, what I am even more afraid of happening is my child arguing with another child, my child telling the other that their family is not normal because they have a mom and a dad.  So that is why it will be my and my S.O.’s responsibility to explain to our children that their is not one single definition of what a family is, that families define themselves….blah blah blah.

The U.S. Supreme Court is a step closer to that toaster and a U-Haul.


Filed under gay, library, politics